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Merstham Community Wellbeing Hub 2023-05-31

The Latest News from Holistic Harmony 2023-05-23

Don't miss our next blog.

Merstham Community Wellbeing Hub 2023-05-17

Battlebridge Sports Center

Crawley Open House 2019-10-16

Latest donation of a free bike was to Dennis (Pictured centre) a client of Crawley Open House who provide a Hostel Day Centre and support for homeless men and women. Also in the picture is Ian Wilkins (LHS) and the Grumpy Bike Mechanic Phil.(RHS)

link to Crawley Open House

Social Investment 2019-10-16

Holistic Harmony is now on the Social Investment Business group customer advisory panel. Click on link below for more information.

Social Investment Business group

Horton Rehabilitation Service 2019-09-23

We are so proud of the work we have done with NHS Central & North West London Foundation Trust. Here s how service users with mental ill health have benefited from the treatments we ve been offering

We have moved 2017-05-03

Our new address in Merstham is :-67 Nutfield Road Merstham RH1 3ER Looking forward to meeting new faces and old friends. If you require any further information please call Shirley on 07958 663041


Sunday 19th March 11.00 to 14.00 hrs at Chart Wood School (Formally St. Nicolas School) Taynton Drive Merstham RH1 3PU. Low cost therapies Spiritualist Medium demonstration with Steve Woods From Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (tickets for this event ?6 - booking essential). See leaflet below for booking details or call 07958663041


Sunday 25th September 11.00 to 14.00 hrs at Chart Wood School (Formally St. Nicolas School) Taynton Drive Merstham RH1 3PU. See leaflet below for activities. For more information call into our shop at 8 Portland Drive Merstham RH1 3HY or call 07958663041


Monday August 29th 11.00 to 15.00 hrs at St Nicholas School Taynton Drive Merstham RH1 3PU. See leaflet below for activities For more information call into our shop in portland drive or call 07958663041 There will also be a cycle saunter for families.


July 24th 11.00 to 15.00 hrs at St Nicholas School Taynton Drive Merstham RH1 3PU.See leaflet below for activities For more information call into our shop in portland drive or call 07958663041 There will also be a cycle saunter for families. follow link below for more details

Link to Bikes Revived Project


Bric a Brac Craft Stalls Complementary Therapies Miniature Railway Rides For Children Plus Try Out An Electric Bike 12 JUNE 11 AM - 3 PM VENUE ST NICHOLAS SCHOOL TAYNTON DRIVE MERSTHAM RH1 3PU Pre book car boot spaces are ?8 per car. ?10 per van (?10 and ?15 respectively ) on the day To book or for further information please call 01737 668422 / 07958 663041

Surrey Choices Helps Out 2016-02-27

Many thanks for the assistance from Surrey Choices who helped sort out the donations.

Elvis seen in Merstham 2015-07-06

There was a huge commotion in Merstham today with reports that Elvis was alive a visiting locally. Unfortunately it turned out to be the Rollin Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood !! He was looking for some new clothes for his next concert looks as though he was successful.

See you at Gatton Park Country Fair 2015-07-03

We ll be carrying out complementary therapies and selling crystals etc

Gatton Park website

Summer Saunter 2015-05-15

Saunter around Cycle Surreys Route 21 and explore the local countryside.Prize for each child participating and coffee and doughnutsto greet you at the end.

Graduation Day 2015-05-07

Students of 2015 just completed the ESF project. Skilled up and ready to go.

Well done Louise 2015-05-06

Louise being presented with her ESF Project Certificate by Sheila.

Free ESF Courses Available Now 2015-01-28

Confidence building courses in complementary therapies and retail are available now. Gives us a call and see if you would like to come.

Awareness in Merstham Courses 2015-01-28

Well known to Merstham Medium Claire Broad is partnering with Awareness In Merstham to give future fledgling mediums a chance to practice the skills they are currently developing. Why not pop in and experience a reading by a student for a minimal fee. NB. Mediumship is always experimental and specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed. The Medium s focus will be on providing evidence of survival after death and not on future predictions.

For more about Claire Broad click here

SFA & SCA Agreement 2015-01-22

Holistic Harmony has just signed an agreement with SFA & SCA to delivery various employment services. More of the details of these services will appear on this website later this month.

Mrs Brown visits 2014-09-18

Mrs Brown pays our shop a flying visit. As a one of Merstham leading fashion experts we appreciated her trying on many of our items.

Mohawks alive at the Positive Living Center 2014-07-05

We may not be leading in the fashion stakes in Surrey but some of our clients and volunteers are !!

Summer Solstice 2014-06-23

The summer solstice is upon us ... and the Positive Living Center charity shop has refected this fun occasion. Anyone planning a trip to Stonehenge please drop in we may have the right gear for you !!

One of our students 2014-06-11

Calum (16) is mad about cycling and will be going into the RAF next year. He has been coming to Bikes Revived to fix bikes and learn as much as he can about maintainence so that when he joins the RAF as an trainee mechanic he will have a great headstart. Besides knowledge he has also picked up loads of confidence. For our part it is great to have someone so young who is so enthusiastic and has picked so much up.

joy of upcycling 2014-05-21

Guardian Newspaper Article

upcycling - the guardian

Give Cycling a GO. 2014-05-21

Merstham .. Sunday 22 June 2014 10am to 5pmGive cycling a go with Kick Start with Travel SMART and celebrate all that goes on in the local community as part of the Merstham Football Club Community Day. Based in the recreation ground with access to the football club there will be plenty of space to try out a bike take part in a guided ride or find out more about cycling around Merstham. This popular community day will also feature local groups and charities football competitions and great food. There will be something for everyone and best of all. It s completely free.

Travel Smart

Holistic Stress Management 2014-04-25

Free Short Course.Come and experience how to manage stress with a range of truly holistic interventions.

Ready to slay the dragon ! 2014-04-24

Just another ordinary St George s Day at the Positive Living Centre Shop.

Make Do and Mend 2014-04-03

In these though economic times a bit second world war attitude can be an inspiration. Have a look at what some our volunteers have produced about how to save money.

** HOT NEWS ** First Electric Bike 2014-04-03

Our sister company Bikes Revived have just taken delivery of the first Electric bike. Watch this space for more developments.

bikes revived

Rag Rug Introduction Workshop 2014-02-16

An introduction to Rag Rug making. During this workshop you will make rugs wall hangings or smaller objects such as coasters. You may start a sample rug to finish at home which requires a simple tool and can be worked on knee or table giving a shaggy cut pile. Holistic Harmony Merstham on Saturday 1st March 2014 1pm ? 5pm.

Department of Works and Pensions 2014-01-16

Holistic Harmony CIC are proud to announce that they are currently working with Department of Works & Pensions to offer training and volunteering experiences for Jobcentre clients age 50+ or 18-24. For more information contact Shirley on 07958 663041

Believe it or not! 2014-01-08

Here at Holistic Harmony s Positive Living Centre we are always surprised at what the kind people of Merstham donate to the shop. Here s the latest acquisition - a 1950s organ!! With one careful owner aged 101. Believe it or not we have already found it another home. Our shop is open to receive donations (or should that be challenges!) But also for people to browse around the stock we have. Our prices are competitive - after all we re here to serve the community of Merstham

Nei Gong Comes To Merstham 2014-01-08

Our Positive Living Centre at 8 Portland Drive Merstham now have Nei Gong sessions running from 10.30 - 12.00 every Wednesday - Nei Gong is an ancient form of yoga and is suitable for all ages and health conditions. Spaces are limited - call 07958 663041 if you d like to come along.

Holistic Harmony Joins Surrey Compact 2014-01-08

The Surrey Compact builds relationships between voluntary community and faith sector and public authorities in Surrey. It is an agreement that changes how partners behave engage and work together at all levels. We re pleased to announce that we are now members of Surrey Compact.

Surrey Compact

Housing Trust s 10th anniversary March 2013 2014-01-03

Based on Merstham and its community looking at how it has changed over the last 50 years and the hopes/aspirations for the future as well as celebratiing Raven s contribution to Merstham. Part documentary and part drama. We are filming during March through to the end of April. It will feature the young people who starred in Not In My Name which was performed earlier this year at the Harlequin theatre. Thanks all.

Bikes Revived New Project May 2013 2014-01-03

Exciting new Bicycle Recycling Project coming in May 2013 to Merstham Click below for more details. If you have any old bikes parts or tools you d like to donate please contact Phil on07871103357

Xmas at PLC 2014-01-03

Launched in January an exciting venture from Holistic Harmony CIC supported by Raven Housing. Shop and Positive Living Centre Opening hours: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Monday - Saturday 01737 668422 - phones manned during opening hours. The shop offers low cost second hand clothing and many other items for sale. If you are decluttering you can drop your items off between during opening hours. If you would like further information please call into the shop or contact us on 01737 668422. Give us a call.

Xmas at PLC

School Holiday 1/2 Term break Feb 2013 2014-01-03

Half Term Workshops at the Positive Living Centre in Merstham. Enroll now. Fun for all. Yea.




Hint: Tchaikovsky Overture - Russian defense against Napoleon's invading Grande Army